With ever rising grocery prices it might be time to look into some money saving tips for when you visit the grocery. Knowing how to save money at the grocery store can you potentially put hundreds of dollars back in your pocket each month. It can be difficult to find ways to cut back at […]
Author: LSNstaffwriter
The Secret To Making True Love Last – 5 Love Languages That Will Change Your Relationship
Have you ever felt like your partner just doesn’t understand how to show you affection? Although they may seem like they are trying, the affection that you desire is just not there. However, it isn’t because the love is gone. This common problem is often a miscommunication between your love languages. With some easy relationship […]
Summer Body Tips – Top 3 Workout Tips to Lose Weight & Feel Great For The Summer
Summer is right around the corner and that means it is time for warmer weather, pools, and vacations. With these events coming up, this is the perfect opportunity to finally lose weight! With these summer body tips you’ll be on your way to feeling confident and proud of the way you look. It can be […]
4 Lessons Learned from Traveling – Surprising Travel Takeaways
Summer time is the perfect opportunity to get out and travel. Although some people travel for pure enjoyment, there are some valuable lessons that you can learn while traveling. These surprising travel takeaways will boost your appreciation for not only travel but for others as well. Taking some time off and exploring different parts of […]
How To Become A Better Listener – 3 Active Listening Tips
Listening is one of the hardest, but most valuable skills to learn. If you want to become a better listener, you need to try these active listening tips. Have you ever experienced somebody who always dominates a conversation? They constantly give their opinion and talk about themselves. How did this make you feel? For most, […]
The Power of A Smile – The #1 Body Language Tip for Making Yourself & Others Happy!
One of the best, and easiest way that you can make yourself and others happy is through the power of a smile. Communication is not just about the words you speak. In fact, most of your communication comes through body language and this is why this simple body language tip can change your life. Have […]
10 Minutes a Day to Reach Your Goals – The Ultimate Productivity Hack
Taking on big goals can be scary. However, with this productivity hack and with just 10 minutes a day, you can reach your goals. With so little time available to actually go after what you want in life, you need to make the most out of every second. Chasing your dreams is worth it, but […]
The Best Mental Health Tip – Control What You Can Control
Do you ever catch yourself stressing about things you can’t control? Do you ever get overwhelmed because of current events in the world? Then you most likely can benefit from some important mental health tips. It can be easy to let things overwhelm you. If you spend any time watching the news you will quickly […]
Networking 101 – Why You Need to Go to the Next Group or Workplace Gathering
Working in an office can be a difficult task. Dealing with multiple types of people requires a deep knowledge of how to interact with others including the basics skills of networking 101. And there is no better place to network than at the next group or workplace gathering. These gatherings are a place and time […]
The Best Budget Travel Tips – 4 Money Saving Airline Travel Hacks!
Summer is right around the corner and that means it is officially travel season. Unfortunately, traveling to your ideal destination can quickly break the bank. But with these budget travel tips and money saving airline travel hacks, you will be sure to keep the money in your pocket! No matter how you look at it, […]