Tag: Camping

An Abrupt Knock On Our Door In The Middle Of The Night, Day 179

There has been nothing more terrifying on this trip than getting an abrupt and persistent knock on our door in the middle of the night. In fact, it was nearly three o’clock in the morning when we heard the first knock on our camper door. Being startled from a deep sleep, we both looked at […]

Our 3 Favorite Camping Apps To Find Camping Sites, Day 154

Today we are sharing our favorite Camping Apps that we use to find camping sites as we travel from state to state. One of the most common questions that we get is “How do you find the campgrounds where you are going to stay?” And with over 150 days of being on the road, we […]

Camping For Free – Off The Grid Camping Day 48

We have talked about spending the night at various locations on our trip across the country, but some of our most memorable moments have been at locations that we were camping for free! And last night, we did just that in Riggins, Idaho. And to be quite honest, it was because we were faced with […]

Meal Planning – Share Your Favorite Camping Recipes

Now that we have the travel dates set for each state, it is time to start planning all the details of our one-year journey across the country, including Meal Planning. When we first decided to take on this adventure, our initial focus was to map our general travel itinerary. We tried to map out the […]