It is that time of year where people start falling off of their New Year’s resolutions. However, there is one trick that can bring you back and help you accomplish your goals. By utilizing the power of streaks, you will be on your way to crushing your goals.
What methods have you tried in order to be successful accomplishing your goals? What systems have you put in place in order to ensure you are successful?
For most people, this can be a hard question to answer. Often times, we do not have a system in place in order to accomplish our goals.

However, there is one long-standing strategy that will guarantee you accomplish your goals and it is the power of streaks.
Why Should You Use the Power of Streaks?
There are many different ways to accomplish goals. From morning routines to daily habits, you can get to the same goal by doing different things.
On the other hand, there are certain methods that are more effective. One of those, is the power of streaks.
Using streaks to accomplish your goals helps build momentum. When you were constantly working towards accomplishing something, you start to create a force is hard to stop.

The beautiful part about the power of streaks is that it continues to push you to be better. It helps hold you accountable to your goals and make sure that you are doing something every day to get better.
Success in any endeavor is just a combination of small wins. If you can string together enough small wins, you will be successful. That is why the power of streaks so important.
How to Implement the Power of Streaks
You now know why streaks are so important. But, the question is how do you implement this strategy?
Well, it is actually quite simple. In order to harness the power of streaks, all you have to do is pick an action that will get you closer to your goals, and do it every day. String together as many days as possible and you start to get momentum on your side.
This simple strategy allows you to accomplish any goal that you want. Let’s run through an example.

Say you have a goal of losing 10 pounds. In order to accomplish this goal, you will need to make small choices every single day they bring you closer to the goal.
However, this is a perfect opportunity to implement the power of streaks. If you want to lose 10 pounds, one way of doing that is by increasing your activity.
Every single day your goal is to take 10,000 steps a day. The simple act of walking more every day will help you lose weight. But here is the catch, you cannot miss a day.
No matter what is going on in your life, you have to get 10,000 steps in.
You are going to track how many days in a row that you hit 10,000 steps. You are now setting a streak.
The only thing you have to do now is keep this streak alive until you accomplish your goal. Then, it is on to the next one.
Keeping Streaks Alive – Creating Non-Negotiables
One of the best ways to keep your streaks alive is to not “break the chain”. You see, as you are using the power of streaks, one tactic to use is a calendar. Put an “X” across every day that you keep your streak alive.
Putting an “X” on the days that you complete your streak starts to create a chain of X’s tied together. Your goal is to not break the chain!

Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. There are going to be times that you have to make sacrifices. There are going to be times that you have to give up things that you would normally do.
However, if your goal is as important as you say it is, then it might require a little bit more effort. But that extra effort to keep your streak alive will exponentially pay off.
The extra effort requires a mindset shift. In order for you to show up every day and continue with the power of streaks, you have to create non-negotiables.
What is a non-negotiable? A non-negotiable is something that you do no matter what. You do not give yourself an option not to do it.
When you have no out, you have to get through it.

What Streak Will You Choose?
Have you already fallen off your New Year’s resolutions? Is it time to refocus and utilize the power of streaks to accomplish your goals?
The power streaks will create the momentum that you need. It will push you in the right direction and allow you to get back on track.
By creating non-negotiables and not breaking the chain, you can accomplish your goals this year.
It is not going to be easy. However, you knew the goals that you set weren’t going to be a walk in the park. You set goals that were hard on purpose.
In order to continue to challenge yourself, you have to set high goals. But you have to have a strategy in place to accomplish these. Use the power of streaks to accomplish your goals this year!
So what streak are you going to start today? Do not wait until tomorrow to utilize the power of streaks. They will help push you to new heights and do things you have never done before.
With the power of streaks, you become unstoppable. You build confidence, create habits, and improve your lifestyle. All of these things are good and are available to you.
So what are you going to do? What streak are you going to start?
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