Celebrating 100 Days On The Road – Where Our T@B 400 Has Taken Us.

Today we are celebrating 100 days on the road! We can’t believe that we have been gone for over 3 months and are now visiting our 13th state!

So for today’s update, we will share a few pictures from each state, in chronological order, from our trip so far.


Sunken Garden
In the middle of Lincoln, Nebraska sits Sunken Gardens. A beautiful annual garden filled with more than 10,000 flowers planted by volunteers.
hiking scotts bluff
One of our first hikes was to Scott’s Bluff on the western edge of Nebraska.

South Dakota

the trailer
Within miles of getting into South Dakota we ran into a real roadside Rodeo. And we couldn’t resist getting a picture with a cowgirl posing in front of our camper.
mount rushmore
No trip to South Dakota would be complete without a visit to Mount Rushmore.
Our first National Park was the Badlands in South Dakota. Absolutely stunning views wherever you looked.

North Dakota

north dakota vikings
Spending a day in Minot, North Dakota with some Vikings at the Norsk Hostfest.
Teddy Roosevelt tribute
A tribute to Teddy Roosevelt in Medora, ND gave us a reminder of the impact that he had on preserving our beautiful nation.


hiking the rimrocks
While in Billings, Montana, we took some time to hike the Rim Rocks which gave you stunning views of the town below.
campfire at Yellowstone River
We simply enjoyed the peace and serenity on the banks of the Yellowstone River.


Yellowstone National Park
The views in Yellowstone National Park did not disappoint!
thermopolis hot spring
The stopped at the world’s largest hot spring and sat in a hot spring water bath for the very first time.


pike's peak summit
We made it to the top of Pike’s Peak. Even though we may have had wobbly legs, we were able to walk the entire summit to enjoy the breathtaking views.
top 10 photos
One of the best things about this trip is the opportunity to stay at some really neat places. Like this Alpaca farm in Colorado. And this photo says it all!


Arches National Park
We headed tp Arches National Park in Utah and saw the skyview arch and many others as we drove and hiked the park.
Canyonlands National Park was absolutely breathtaking and we have determined that it’s nickname should be “the red rock Grand Canyon”.


twin fall idaho
Shoshone Falls in Idaho was gorgeous and we can only imagine what it would be like in the Spring.
natural beauty of Idaho
We stopped along the Snake River in central Idaho to spend the night in nature.


Snoqualmie Falls
Our first stop in Washington was Snoqualmie Falls, the famous waterfall from the television show Twin Peaks.
100 days on the road
As we were on a whale watching tour, we had the chance to see both Orca and Humpback whales.
100 days on the road
On November 7th we reached the Pacific Ocean and drove our truck and camper on Long Beach.


lower south falls
Silver Falls State Park in Oregon was the best hike yet! You can see 10 waterfalls within a 7 mile hike.
100 days on the road
Bullards Beach Lighthouse in Southern Oregon.


driving through redwood tree
As you can see, it was a tight fit but we made the drive through. This is one of only 3 Redwood trees that you can actually drive your car through.
Glass Beach
Glass Beach in Fort Bragg, California. When the tide rolls out, you can search the beach for the sea glass.
A night to remember
The lighting was a bit dark, so it turned out a bit blurry, but this will remain one of our favorite nights of the trip! An evening with Chef Michael Chiarello.
golden gate bridge
On our way to San Francisco we made sure we were able to take the route that lead us over the Golden Gate Bridge.


hiking to hoover dam
The view from the Hoover Dam allows you to get a fantastic view of the Memorial Bridge that spans over the Colorado River.
on the Vegas Strip
The fountain show at Bellagio is a sight to see. Watching it brought back some great memories from our wedding there.


sonora desert
The sunset in the Sonora Desert – a beautiful Arizona sight that everyone should see.

Happy Traveling – Jim and Mary.

  • Day 100 of 365
  • States : 13 / 50
  • National Parks / Monuments : 14
  • Stayed In : Phoenix, Arizona
  • Miles Driven : 213.8
  • Total Trip Miles To Date : 10575.2
  • Total Gallons Used : 777.59
  • Biking Miles : 0.0
  • Biking Miles To Date : 142.5
  • Hiking Miles : 8.3
  • Hiking Miles To Date : 239.8

About Our Living Simple Tour

On September 9th, 2019, we set out in our NuCamp T@B 400 Teardrop Camper to travel to every state. You can check out all of our dates here : Dates for the States

Follow along by signing up for our twice weekly email updates at the bottom of the page. You can also follow us on Facebook : Live Simple Tour Facebook and Instagram : Live Simple Now Instagram Page.

6 thoughts on “Celebrating 100 Days On The Road – Where Our T@B 400 Has Taken Us.

  1. Jane Mattingly

    It could take more than one year to see all the wonders that each state holds but love what you have seen so far. Trips that you are both on will give you a much broader perspective on the people who live in the USA. May the remainder of your trip be full of more adventures that enrich your souls.

    PS. I am a childhood friend of your mother, Candy, grew up in Zanesville and hung out some with all the family!!!!

    1. livesimplenow Post author

      Thank you Jane! You are absolutely right – it would take much longer than a year to see what this great country has to offer! This trip is just a wonderful preview of where we would like to spend more time exploring. I have heard many wonderful things about you and we are happy that you are following along with our journey! Mary and Jim

  2. Trish

    I have been following you since before your trip even began, and have learned so much about cooking, gardening (I have forwarded, saved, and studied so many of your Old World Garden posts!), and now, about this beautiful, blessed country of ours. You began your trip in my state, and I have read every single post, and marveled at every single picture. What a trip! My only complaint is that now there are so many places on my bucket list, I don’t know how or where to ever start! 🙂 In the meantime, I will discover America the beautiful through you guys!

    1. livesimplenow Post author

      Thank you Trish for following our journey. We are running into the same dilemma on where we want to spend more time when the trip is over. I guess that is the beauty of our country – there are so many things to see and do! Here is to bucket list dreams – no matter how long they are!

  3. Debra

    I too have followed your website for sometime now, I always feel like it’s a good “Go to” for down to earth…no pun intended but works…ha….advice..loved seeing Mt. Rushmore…was surprised to see it so close to the rd. And all the beautiful trees around. Thank you for time you put into this for all of us to enjoy with you!! Merry Christmas!!!!

    1. livesimplenow Post author

      Thank you so much! We have been shocked at many things on this trip and each day is a new adventure. Thank you for following along! Merry Christmas!!


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